RSP - Sideplated, O/U, Case Colored, Vine Scroll Engraving, 20ga. 30" Barrels with Screw-in Choke Tubes. #85977

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CSMC - RSP, Sideplated, O/U, Case Colored, Vine Scroll Engraving, 20ga. 30" Barrels with Screw-in Choke Tubes. Round action game gun with 30" factory hidden screw-in chokes, straight grip long tang stock, beautiful exhibition full feather crotch American black walnut, factory serrated butt plate, fire blued single selective trigger, automatic ejectors, hunting forend, 24 line per inch checkering, ventilated rib, Truoil finish, as sensational as it is elegant rounded frame side plate gun with deep vine full coverage scroll over a traditional bone and charcoal case color finished receiver, factory cased with accoutrements, lifetime warranty, workmanship is to the highest order by our master gunsmiths at CSMC, avaialbe for immediate delivery.

Inv: 85977
6 lbs. 6 oz.
14 ¾” x 1 ½” x 2 3/8”

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